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Auferstehung missglückt

Umgangssprachlich werden Sekten oft als religiöse Gruppen bezeichnet.
Ihnen wird häufig vorgeworfen, sie würden sich aus wirtschaftlichen
Gründen als Glaubensgemeinschaften ausgeben, um den besonderen Schutz des
Staates, größere Freiheiten und Rechte, sowie die Befreiung von Steuern zu
genießen. Bekanntestes
Beispiel dafür dürfte die Scientology sein. Wie weit die Kraft eines
Sektengurus über den Tot hinaus reicht, verdeutlicht dieser Bericht:

Eine Sekte aus Malaysia hat ihren verstorbenen Guru in Plastik gewickelt
und 13 Monate auf seine Auferstehung gewartet. Die Polizei fand die stark
verweste und übel riechende Leiche, nachdem Nachbarn über Ruhestörung
geklagt hatten, berichtete die Zeitung "Sunday Star". Der Sektenführer mit
dem Namen "Ching Chi Vui@Ivan: mailto:Vui@Ivan" war im August vergangenen
Jahres mit 37 Jahren gestorben. Unter welchen Umständen, blieb zunächst

Er hatte Anhängern aufgetragen, ihn nicht zu begraben, weil er ins Leben
zurückkehren werde. Sie versammelten sich jeden Abend in seinem Haus in
der Provinz Sabah auf der Insel Borneo, beteten und sangen für seine
Auferstehung. Nach neuen Beschwerden der Nachbarn rückte die Polizei am
Freitagabend an und fand die Leiche.

Drei Frauen wurden festgenommen. Die Behörden ordneten zur Klärung der
Todesursache eine Autopsie an. Nun denn ...
Bleiben Sie stark!
GoMoPa Net

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KUALA LUMPUR - Followers of a religious cult in Malaysia’s eastern Sabah state wrapped the body of their dead cult leader in plastic and laid it in his home for 13 months while waiting for him to be resurrected, a news report said Sunday.

The leader of the Benevolent Missionary Association, Ching Chi Vui aka Ivan, was believed to have told his followers not to bury him if he were to die, because he would come back to life, the Sunday Star reported.

Ching, 37, claimed to be a prophet but the sect was extremely secretive and followers kept to themselves. It was unclear if the sect had any links to the Philippines Benevolent Missionaries Association cult group, which has more than 1 million followers.

Police said neighbours had complained of late night chantings and prayers coming from the home, leading to the police discovery of the badly decomposed body.

During the raid Friday night, police also found three women in a separate room in the house praying for their leader to be resurrected, the report said.
Police detained the three women, and were awaiting post-mortem results on Ching’s cause of death
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The Philippine Benevolent Missionaries Association (PBMA) is a pseudo-Christian cult founded by Ruben Ecleo, Sr. in 1965 on the Philippine island of Dinagat, off the coast of Mindanao. Since being chartered in 1965, the PBMA has virtually turned the entire island into a fiefdom of the Ecleos. Upon the senior Ecleo's death in 1987 he was succeeded by his son Ruben Ecleo, Jr. Considered by followers to be a reincarnation of Jesus Christ, Ecleo has an estimated one million members in the central and southern Philippines.[1] The PBMA has been referred to as a cult by the BBC[1] and the Manila Times.[2]The Manila Times estimates the group has raised at least P35 million in entrance fees from its members since its founding.[2]

According to sect doctrine, Ecleo Sr. was trained by "voices" to fluently read and write Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Aramaic, in order to interpret the ancient mysteries. He also made predictions of the future based on Akashic records. PBMA followers also viewed Ecleo Sr. as a Christ-like figure, who could accomplish anything by reciting the Mantra, and like the Christ of the Bible, was also able to resurrect the dead. Ecleo's healing abilities were stated to have directly come from "our Divine Father by virtue of the sacred or divine prayers which are called in Occultism as Mantras." [2]

Sect leaders also stated that Ecleo Sr. has since his childhood been simultaneously present in many disparate locations, possibly as many different people. An example was his doing missionary work in Agusan del Sur, while also traveling in the province of Samar. All of his different persona possessed the ability to heal like the "Lord Jesus who first applied these powers in Judea..."[

Clashes with law enforcement
Group members described by local media organizations as heavily armed and willing to die for their leader are thwarting police efforts to arrest Ecleo. A source for the Manila Times reported that armed PBMA members have made an oath to protect the "master," referring to Ecleo, who was evading police efforts to arrest him for the murder of his wife, Alona Bacolod Ecleo, a fourth year medical student. Alona was found strangled in a rubbish bag at the bottom of a cliff on Cebu island in January of 2002.[2]

[edit] Parricide and Graft Cases
Ecleo was arrested after a bloody raid by law enforcement on Dinaget on June 19, 2002. Gunfire had erupted as a joint force of Philippine National Police and troopers from the Philippine Army's 20th Infantry Battalion moved in to serve an arrest warrant. The raid had begun after negotiations had broken down and approximately 2,000 PBMA followers had surrounded Ecelo's mansion and barred all access. A firefight with Ecleo's elite team of bodyguards, known as the "White Eagles", then erupted and lasted through the night. Ecleo finally surrendered to police the next morning at 9 a.m. The gun battle during the night left 23 dead, including 1 police SWAT officer, and 16 armed PBMA members. During the raid, four members of his dead wife's family were gunned down by a member of the PBMA security force in a possible cover-up attempt; the assailant was killed by police moments later, while attempting to flee the scene.[3]

In October 2006, the Sandiganbayan sentenced Ecleo, Jr. to thirty years in prison for entering a 1993 government contract in which the government lost about P2.4 million. He was found guilty of three counts of violation of the Republic Act 3019. His co-defendants, Anadelia Nalauan-Navarra and Ricardo Santillan, were convicted of twice violating the anti-graft laws and sentenced to six to ten years for each count.[4]

Ecleo faces the parricide case before the Cebu City Regional Trial Court, Branch 23. However, the case dragged because 6 judges inhibited. On April 25, 2008, 6th Judge Geraldine Faith Econg per 24-page resolution inhibited herself amid accusations and her own admission that 2 women approached her to ask how much would she need in payment for dropping the case
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