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Why I left Brownsville and FIRE Ministries

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"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36

April 03, 2009

Why I left Brownsville and FIRE Ministries
Notice in this Brownsville poster from 2000 what pops out of the advertisement: a satanic upside-down cross with a sword that is piercing the Bible. In satanic circles, the upside-down cross symbolizes mockery and rejection of Jesus Christ. Satanists wear necklaces with upside-down crosses.

I should have known better.

The things I saw and partook of while attending Brownsville Assembly of God Church and ministry school in Pensacola, Florida, as well as FIRE School of Ministry, an offshoot, are not mentioned in the Scriptures. Now I see the danger of this.

Around 1997 while living in Atlanta, Georgia, I began visiting Brownsville on a regular basis and moved there in 2000 to attend their Bible School. From 2002-2005 I lived in Berlin, Germany, as a missionary with FIRE International.


The Lord began to open my eyes to the deception I was under and within in a few short weeks, I pulled out and returned to the USA.

My continual prayer is that the Truth be revealed, the lies be exposed, the deceived wakeup, the sinner repent, the lost get saved and that the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified!

ARTICLE (link):


Probably no one helped prepare the church world for this deception better than those who teach the Fourth Dimension do. Tricia Tillin describes one author and his ideas in an excellent publication from the UK. "Paul (David) Yonggi Cho teaches the same thing. In the Fourth Dimension he tells of his frustration that Buddhist monks and yogic healers could perform miracles. Then the Holy Spirit supposedly revealed to him that the fourth dimension, the spirit realm, is available to all whether Christian or not, for it contains both good and evil powers. `So men, by exploring their spiritual sphere of the fourth dimension of visions and dreams in their imaginations, can brood over and incubate the third dimension (the material world) influencing it and changing it.' This applies to all men alike. Because God gave man dominion over the earth, says Cho, unbelievers can `develop their inner spiritual being' and change the material world. Thus Christians also have the responsibility to `realize their inner potential' and manipulate the fourth dimension for good. (Mainstram, Winter 1994, p.11. Banner Ministries, UK)
Is that why God told Adam that he would be earning his bread by the sweat of his brow? Paul (David) Yonggi Cho was raised a Buddhist and apparently still teaches it with the help of the Bible.

This subject brings Oral Roberts to mind also. We were in his annual Conference for Charismatic Ministries in 1993, 1994 and Oral stated to my dismay: "Visualize yourself in front of an audience of unlimited numbers and your dream will be fulfilled." He was talking Buddhist's notions.
That spirit realm is the realm of fallen angels who chose to follow Satan and were removed from God's presence. Ken Copeland teaches this nonsense too. He states that we should place our desires into this realm and the spirits will run to fulfill our needs by contacting and influencing humans into fulfilling the desire of a boat, a car or some other material object.

What people don't realize is that it is a completely selfish lifestyle and places those who don't use the psychic, demonic realm at a disadvantage. They are being had.

The other side of the coin is that the person using demons to do their bidding is not paying for the merchandise, which means they are basically stealing it unwittingly from unsuspecting victims. In example in Copeland's sermon he bragged about an incident when he wanted a boat. He said that he placed his desire in the spirit realm and had several offers from the congregation he was talking to send him a boat free as a gift. I don't care what: but the boats have a monetary value, which was not paid for. The giver was influenced by the spirit realm to donate the boat. The giver was minus an asset at that point, which was not paid for. The receiver received value for nothing in return. Isn't that stealing out of people's pockets?

"Behind much of this present deception and/ or confusion is the new prophetic view of Jesus Christ and His coming. Only a few short years have passed since the dominant message in the Evangelical World was the "imminent Rapture before the Great Tribulation." Even those who held to a mid- or post-tribulation view were very close in spiritual kinship to the pre-trib view and its proponents.

"A deep bitterness now exists toward the traditional view of prophecy. This new breed of prophets and spokespersons is preparing for all out war to take the kingdom by these psychic powers. Paul Cain says that there will be an army, called Joel's Army, and that God will equip them to perform His judgment. In the book, `Some Said It Thundered,' the Kansas City Fellowship is identified as the location for training this army.

"By the time Paul Cain arrived in Kansas City the fellowship was well settled into their new meeting place at the Grandview Worship Center. Paul immediately recognized the location from the crossroads outside as the place which the Lord had showed him many times (possibly twenty over many years) as a spiritual training center for the soldiers of Joel's army that God was raising up for the coming revival.

"`Many years ago,' said Paul, `I came to the crossroads of life and I saw a vision of an illuminated billboard on which was written: "Joel's army in training." It was on these crossroads with an arrow pointing to this spot - though there was no building on it then! I believe God has shown me that here he is going to raise up an army. This army is not a destructive army but a deliverance army.. " (Some Said It Thundered, David Pytches, p. 132) His idea of deliverance is not the traditional loving idea. It's "bow or burn" that these men are talking about.

"Roger Forster wrote in a foreword to the book, `Territorial Spirits', "These structures [territorial principalities] will be refurbished with a whole new personnel. The final overthrow of Satan's rebellious colonial government by the central government of God is preceded by the faith-sons of Abraham bringing blessing to all the families on the earth. This demands territorial claims and advance through the earth." "Eventually, this resistance movement can provide sufficient numbers of trained personnel to take over the authority and administration of the colony from Satan and his angels, given the least amount of disturbance to the heavenly structural powers.. until such a network of resistance against Satan is found all over the earth, the Second Coming of our Lord is held up and his total reign restrained." (Mainstream Spring, 1994 p.10)

"Cindy Jacobs: "Today's praying church is rising up in militant force to possess the Promised Land or our nations."

"John Dawson: "There is not one reason why we, the Church, should concede one square inch of this planet to the government of territorial spirits. This is our planet.

"Francis Frangipane: "All spiritual warfare is waged over one essential question: who will control reality on earth - heaven or hell?.. We must see that our prayers, attitudes and agreement with God are an integral of establishing the reality of the kingdom of God on earth!" (Mainstream, Spring 1994, p.10)

"Rick Joyner, probably one of the cleverest writers of this new breed, says the following,
"The church is at war. This war will not end because we do not like it, or we do not want to fight. Fortresses of darkness are being raised up in all directions - in government, schools, business, entertainment, in our neighborhoods - they are even being raised up in the church!.. Even so, as improbable as it may seem at this time - we have the enemy surrounded! The church is about to win her greatest victory. This is her finest hours - the retreat is over and the advance is about to begin." ".. This generation has been called to carry the banner of the Lord into the greatest epic battle of all time. The last day church has been given one of the greatest privileges that has ever been bestowed by God upon men - to be on the field of battle for the ultimate confrontation between light and darkness." (Epic Battles of the Last Days, Rick Joyner, p.13) (56)
C. Peter Wagner announced his June 2000 Global Harvest Conference at Calvary Temple, Indianapolis: "The Future War of the Church." He states change and conflict abounds throughout the earth, but the Lord has a remnant leadership. "Future War" brings the apostolic, prophetic, deliverance and intercessory giftings together to activate His Church to rise up and war - to see His purposes established. Come discover warfare strategies to overthrow the enemies of His Kingdom. Moving the army of God to the front-line: Mark & Betsy Neuerschwander, Jim Chosa, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, Kimberly Daniels, Jim Eckhardt.

What we don't know is that all this movement is movement into the arms of the pope. We had a letter from Cape Town, South Africa. They seem to be running slightly ahead of the agenda that is being divulged to our "Christians". "We have been reading your newsletter again.. things are happening so fast - The mayor of Cape Town has invited all ministries for a get together for - George Otis [who was part of "Transformer" video]. I know nothing of the man but the same mayor was at "All Religions Parliament" on same platform with Dalai Lama, Peter Wagner's Spiritual Warfare & Global Unity Evangelization. Taking cities is becoming "big" in our church. It's very frightening indeed. All these people want (many of our leaders) is dominion and authority over the devil. The one man gives a "cross teaching" but the whole point is that Jesus died to give us authority over the devil. As Benny Hinn says: "When you are in Holy of Holy's Satan cannot get to you." Every teaching points to the devil, very little on the Person of Jesus. My pastor teaches that in the three hours of darkness - Jesus was attacked by Satan and demons on the cross - I don't believe this."

She continued on another Sunday the devastating news that I wanted to share: "In tonight's service I saw a whole church being led into the most dire deception - I was so upset - This visiting preacher preached on unity God wants us into. He asked if the church believed we can be reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church and when the people said, "no!" He said we don't believe the Bible for God said we should be one. He simply went on and on and then he said our political leaders (TuTu by name) have called us into unity and we would not heed them - You know who TuTu is? In the end he had them all in little groups repenting for the sins of our forefathers and asking God for forgiveness for rebellion and hard hearts. They are to get out of their comfort zones go out in warfare and take back what Satan has stolen - The City of Cape Town belongs to God. They must break the strongholds and bind the strong man. Peter Wagner's name was mentioned over and over.

"I was devastated and many are beginning to realize that there is a problem. They come to me for information and you are such a help."

What we are noticing is that pastors without much notice to the congregation leave their flock claiming that they were called by God to a different calling. The fact that it was supposedly God leaves them of course in good standing with the flock. So what happens next. The congregation is being subjected to traveling evangelists of different denominations. Baptists, for instance, are usually not going from church to church evangelizing. So they end up inviting evangelists who do nothing but that and gradually expose the flock to the new moves.

A case in Michigan, Pastor Wayne Benson, who was exposed to Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick previous to this resignation, after 25 years of fruitful ministry at the First Assembly of God in Grand Rapids, Michigan, gave 90-day notice that he was quitting his congregation. Where are they going they were asked: "God only knows, we'll go where He says to go.." Pastor Benson was so successful that his church grew from 250 to 5,000. In fact thousands came to Christ through his outreach.

What we hear when we ask, "What is happening? Have you found a new pastor?" "No, a Pastoral Search Committee is reviewing names of candidates and a two thirds majority is necessary to elect a senior pastor. They have had ninety days to find someone already.. It will probably take more time then usual to replace a good pastor due to inexperience with this process and Satan will try everything under the Sun to keep this church open to outside influences.

Why did this happen to Pastor Benson? What would make him forfeit his eventual comfortable retirement in a satisfied congregation? Pastor Wayne Benson described his experience in a service with Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick: "When Steve Hill and John Kilpatrick started to anoint me with oil, they double over (probably the stomach spasms [also called `crunchies'] related to the phenomena and shouted `the anointing!' I collapsed. I felt like the three of us were swirling around the room like the vortex of a whirlpool. They later walked out of the office. I felt as though my body was being pulled apart. It was as though my body was being stretched out of shape beyond measure. I asked. `What does this mean Lord?' The Lord answered I'm just crucifying your flesh.' I opened my eyes and the first thing I looked at were my hands because they were tingling with the power of God." [Lamb Light First AOG Pub. Grand Rapids MI June 30 1996]

Cathy Wood related a similar manifestation. She is a long time member of Brownsville AOG and the official photographer. She describes her experience in these terms: "I cannot possibly explain but it was like a bolt of lightning hit me and I hit the wall and slid down it and shook and jerked uncontrollably for I don't know how long. It took my breath away and I was taking DEEP gasps over and over. As each breath came in, my head would jerk to the back. I was being filled with a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost. This continued all the way home. Have no idea how I drove. I would start wailing. Oh! I just love being filled with the Holy Ghost. He said before he prayed for us that God wanted us to be filled with the Holy Ghost even to the point of being drunk. God can use a person filled to overflowing with New Wine. [Cathy Wood Reports, Pensacola, Internet, July 14,1996]

The common denominator in these manifestations is the fact that they are uncontrollable. This is instructive because Paul says the manifestations of the Holy Spirit are controllable for the spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophets (1 Corinthians 14:32)

Second these manifestations mentioned come from outside a person. It is an external force supposed to be the Holy Spirit that "hits" (to use Hill's words) the person. Because of the Kilpatrick sees this as a sovereign work of the Spirit. The Spirit "shows up" and the way they know he shows up is the sudden arrival of the manifestations. Finally for Pentecostal readers it is significant that healing, tongues and interpretation, and prophecy are virtually non-existent. In fact during ministry team's prayer and tongues are not allowed. Herb Babcock who was a long time member at Brownsville and on the prayer teams for at least 30 meetings testified "While on the prayer team, we were instructed to not pray in the name of Jesus. We were told to not pray for the needs of the people. The only thing we were to do was touch people on the forehead and say, "More Lord" and keep repeating that until there was an "impartation" of the Spirit."

The shaking and jerking, violent convulsions are referred to as the "gift of intercession". There is no such gift in the New Testament. They use Old Testament Scriptures to defend the phenomena. Deep Bowing, Heavy Weeping and Crying uncontrollably at times when there is no reason for it. Laughing they say is good medicine. Being Still and Solemn and Unable to Move which Kilpatrick sees as the "glory". Your body feels heavy; God is putting in you an anointing for service. It is also called frozen in spirit. This reminds me of a video that I have of Benny Hinn when he first started his ministry. He related the story of this female servant who was in a catatonic state for days, just stood there and could not move. Kenneth Hagin relates those stories repeatedly. In Kilpatrick's meeting a cataleptic state where suddenly while in motion one becomes frozen unable to move for hours. "I have heard of this in stage hypnotism but someone help me find a verse in Scripture," writes Orrel Steinkamp, publisher of Plumbline Ministries.

Pastor Steinkamp goes on to say: "As an AG pastor, for over 25 years I am concerned at the seeming inability of some (many?) in leadership to apply the standard of scripture. My experience with a majority in leadership (I have served on District Presbyteries for more than ten years and also on the Board of Regents of two AG colleges) is that most give assent to the scripture being our all-sufficient rule of faith and practice, but they don't see any conflict in accepting the validity of any experience that is outside of that standard. THEY JUST DON'T SEE ANY CONTRADICTION.

My friends would say that they absolutely believe, accept and practice the 16 statements of fundamental truth (in fact, we are required to annually renew our credentials by signing our agreement). But there is this tension.. The tension is between having the Holy Spirit reveal truth to you and having the Scripture reveal truth to you. Many leaders and many people I have pastored have stated to me that my heavy reliance upon "the Scripture being our all-sufficient rule of faith and practice" means that I am less "Pentecostal" or less dependent upon the Holy Spirit.

"In fact some have suggested that "the letter killeth, but the Spirit give life" and then it is implied that my reliance upon Scripture brings death. Others imply that a heavy reliance upon Scripture make me like a Pharisee.. I have had friends tell me that I am too analytical. I have had one man I pastored tell me that I was too biblical.. My position on the relationship between the Scripture and the Holy Spirit was read by George Wood at the 1001 General Council "We are measuring everything by the Word, EVERY EXPERIENCE must measure up with the Bible.. the Spirit does not go where His word does not go." .. I'm convinced that many who subscribe yearly to the 16 tenants regarding Scripture as all-sufficient rule of faith and conduct just don't know what it means.

"In a recent discussion at a district Presbyters meeting reported on a website, there seemed to be concern over a Brownsville AG deliverance manual (p.16) which taught how to deliver Christians from inhabiting demons. This is in opposition to a denominational position paper. The district superintendent then made the following statement: "Now, brethren we know John 21 tells us that if all Jesus said and did were recorded, the earth would not contain the books. So we do not know, it may be Jesus Himself taught and practiced what this manual teaches."

If this is true all we really have is an undetermined, unwritten and ever expanding canon of scripture to which anyone can imaginatively appeal.. We must all affirm that all of God's truth necessary for doctrine and experience is found in Scripture. If not we can never know what is from God or is from man." (57)


And here is a clip of Allison Ward with 'Pastor' Kilpatrick at Brownsville. This was shown to me before I went and it should have been a BIG RED FLAG - I have no one to blame concerning my involvement by myself.
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