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Aufruf zum Gebet für Fam. Romeike

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Aufruf zum Gebet für Fam. Romeike - heute wird entschieden beim Verfassungsgericht der USA!!!

in der Sache der Familie Romeike, der in Deutschland wegen homeschooling die Kinderwegnahme drohte und die deshalb in USA um Asyl nachgesucht hat, geht es (in der dritten gerichtlichen Instanz) vor dem United States Supreme Court (Oberstes Gericht, Verfassungsgericht der USA) heute um die Frage, ob der Supreme Court sich des Falles annehmen wird oder nicht.

Wir geben den Gebetsaufruf hiermit weiter und hoffen, dass der Court positiv entscheidet; andernfalls wird die Zurückweisung der zweiten Instanz rechtskräftig, und das Asylgesuch bleibt abschlägig beschieden.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Schulunterricht zu Hause e.V.
Armin Eckermann

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: Will Supreme Court take Romeike? Please pray!
Datum: 17 Feb 2014 11:07:15 -0500
Von: Jim Mason--HSLDA Antwort an: HSLDA An: AE-RA@t-online.de
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Will Supreme Court take Romeike? Please pray!
The United States Supreme Court is again considering whether to hear Romeike v. Holder, our German homeschool asylum appeal.
The Court will meet on February 21, and the cases they decide to hear will be announced on February 24.
We filed the appeal on October 10, 2013, and it first came up for consideration in November but was delayed when the Court ordered U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to respond in writing to our petition.
Now the Court is once again reviewing the Romeike case.
Will the justices uphold America as a place of refuge for those who are persecuted for their faith?
I believe we have made a strong and persuasive argument. The fact that the Court ordered the Justice Department to respond seems to indicate that at least one justice is interested in the case, but now at least four justices must agree to hear the case.
Will you join us beginning today, for five days of prayer? Let's pray that the Court will agree to hear our appeal and that God will move the heart of the justices in favor of the Romeike family.
Thank you for standing with us for freedom.

James R. Mason III
Senior Counsel
P. S. You can read more about the the Romeikes' story here.

Home School Legal Defense Association o P.O. Box 3000 o Purcellville, Virginia 20134-9000
Phone: (540) 338-5600 o Fax: (540) 338-2733 o Email: info@hslda.org

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