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From Russia, with Love!

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May 4, 2011

The CT Interview

From Russia, with Love

Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion offers evangelicals more than an olive branch.

Timothy C. Morgan | posted 5/04/2011 08:50AM

Hilarion Alfeyev, the Metropolitan of Volokolamsk, located 80 miles northwest of Moscow, has a very big job. As head of external relations for the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Hilarion is responsible for talking to global Christianity on behalf of the 150 million people in Russian Orthodoxy worldwide.

Given his gift for languages, Hilarion arose as an easy pick for the job by Russian Patriarch Kirill. This year, the Russian-American Institute, a faith-based educational and support organization (formerly the Russian-American Christian University), helped Hilarion interact with a cross-section of evangelicals around the United States for the first time. Christianity Today deputy managing editor Timothy C. Morgan interviewed Hilarion while he was in Washington, D.C.

What's the purpose of your trip?

To establish contacts and to find common positions. Often we are in circles in our own ecclesiastical environment and don't communicate with those who might be our allies.

With regard to evangelical leaders, until recently we didn't have any systematic collaboration or dialogue or conversation. Many evangelicals share conservative positions with us on such issues as abortion, the family, and marriage.

Do you want vigorous grassroots engagement between Orthodox and evangelicals?

Yes, on problems, for example, like the destruction of the family. Many marriages are split. Many families have either one child or no child.

There are many incomplete families, not to speak of various homosexual unions, which are equated with the family. This completely changes the whole picture of human relationships. It directly affects the future of many nations. The sign of a spiritually healthy nation is that it expands—it grows. If it shrinks, it is a very clear sign of unhealthiness.

There is a perception that religious freedom is declining in Russia. Is the perception true?
'Secularism is dangerous because it destroys human life. It destroys essential notions related to human life, such as the family.'— Metropolitan Hilarion

It's a completely wrong perception. We have to ask what we mean by religious freedom. If it's a freedom for the sects, including dangerous sects, to buy time on television and to propagate their ideas, then I think we no longer have the freedom that existed in the beginning of the 1990s. But I think freedom was sometimes not used in a proper way. For example, I remember how every morning Shoka Asahara would preach on Russian television. He was later condemned to death in Japan for organizing a terrorist attack in the Tokyo underground.

With regards to traditional churches and religions: They have complete freedom of action. There is the law on the freedom of conscience, which makes a subtle distinction between traditional churches and religions that never existed in Russia. Religious communities are given a 15-year probationary period precisely for the reasons I described. They can act freely during this period. They can organize services. They can publish literature. They can do missionary activities. But they are not registered with the juridical status. After 15 years, they can be registered.

Is it the government's role to regulate minority groups like Jehovah's Witnesses and the Church of Scientology? Or should the Russian Orthodox Church have influence there?

We should have some influence in this process, and we have a mechanism of dialogue within our government. For example, there is the interreligious advisory council to the Russian president. This includes representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, Protestants, Islamic leaders, Jews, Buddhists, and others, who gather on a regular basis. One of their tasks is to monitor the development of religious freedom. They can give advice, if asked, to the president or to the government about how to deal with various sectarian movements and so-called new religious movements. Of course, they have only advisory status.

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Der Metropolit Hilarion geht also auf die Evangelikalen zu. Wie gut, denn die Evangelikalen haben die vielen Zig Millionen orthodoxen Christen auf dieser Welt ein Bisschen aus den Augen verloren. Das hat auch dazu geführt, dass sich kaum jemand gefunden hat, der die Orthodoxen mit Schmähliteratur überzieht, was ja wiederum auch erfreulich ist.

Christinanity Today, eines der größten evangelikalen Magazine der Welt, veröffentlicht nun ein Interview mit Hilarion. Die Beständigkeit der Orthodoxen in der Theologie kann ein Beispiel sein für die wechselhaften Protestanten.

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Lieber Matthes,

da in unserem Forum eine ganze Reihe Leute lesen, die nicht so perfekt in englisch sind,möchte ich dich bitten zu respektieren, dass die Forensprache deutsch ist.

Du kannst gerne englische Texte einstellen, aber dann bitte auch mit Übersetzung. Ich habe dafür keine Zeit.

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Lieber Rolf, hm, ich glaube, um Übersetzungen zu erstellen, habe ich auch nicht die Zeit. Viele Texte, zum Beispiel eben von Christianity Today, gibt es ja nicht auf Deutsch. Vielleicht können wenigstens die, die Englisch sprechen, den Text lesen. Danke.

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